The Tellery

Tellery logo by Doug Guildford

Thanks for dropping by.  You’ll find storytelling stuff here:

  •  an audio file of Talking You In (a story set to the music of composer/guitarist Brian Katz, about a father telling stories to his infant son in the neonatal intensive care unit);
  • assorted other stories;
  • information about my books;
  • info about the Telling Bee (a curriculum program);
  • a link to the Future Folklore Project (, an experiment where I retell some traditional stories in the second person present tense;
  • some articles;
  • a collection of short pieces about Storycare, an approach to storytelling in healthcare I co-created with Melissa Tafler, social worker;
  • some short videos called The Storyteller’s Ass, where I tell folktales with my rather importunate donkey Eysele.

One comment on “The Tellery

  1. Brad Woods says:

    Goodmorning Dan. I just heard about Mary Eileens passing. So very, very sad.
    I immediately thought of you, Jim Blake and I all heading out to the Story Barn for the first time and falling in love with that space. She was such a gracious host, she had me (and the Great Wooden Trio) there on a regular basis. Her generosity, hospitality and creativity will be greatly missed.
    I guess I just wanted to reach out and connect with someone else who knew her.
    I hope you’re well.
    Brad Woods

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